The Hero Legacy (Project)

The Hero Legacy Project is a Non Profit Organisation focusing on 4 main areas:

1. Trail building and maintenance which in turn supports

2. Skills development,

3. Kids sports programs (hosted at Specialized Paarl) and 

4. Community support.

Skills Development

  • Trail design and construction
  • Trail maintenance
  • Event management 
  • Trail support 
  • Bike support
  • Tours and guiding

Upon successfully completing the program, trail builders are issued certificates of completion. Many of the graduates have gone on to work as trail builders within our teams or for other organisations, event organisers or on farms nearby. 

Confidence and job security are incredible outcomes of this program and we continue to take in new trail builders with each new project.

Foundation Classes

The classes are free and are open to any child (toddler to teen) wanting to cycle. Our Hero Legacy team and experienced coaches spend time with the children (which for many of them is a novelty in itself) and not only teach them to cycle, but to appreciate the sport and the environment.

Many of our kids are from communities where cycling as a sport is simply not an option as bicycles for children are a commodity. Furthermore, being in a safe space to enjoy a sport is also something that many of us take for granted, but for these kids is not a reality. 

Community Support

Our trails attract both locals and tourists alike with the spinoff being that the trail activities and attractions benefit and support the larger Paarl community. More feet ensure the growth of venues, attractions and local businesses, which in turn allows for more employment opportunities. Paarl Tourism is upped as Paarl is marketed as a destination. 

More hands-on initiatives include the Foundation Classes of course, but also many drives for food and essentials which are distributed to those in need. As mentioned, our Legacy team visits schools and crèches and also provides assistance and support to other programs in need. 

Trail Building & Maintenance

Most don’t realise how labour intensive and costly it is to firstly, build and then secondly, maintain trails. To provide an indication, one metre of trail building costs anything between R20 – R40 as standard. It often costs more depending on terrain and scope. A conservative estimate gets us to R20 000 per kilometre very quickly!

Trail builders agree that building the trails is the easy part! Once trails are opened and in use, maintenance is essential, time-consuming and costly. 

We receive funding for this through three main channels:
1. Landowners who see the value of the project who donate towards it.

2. Day pass sales.

3. Annual membership sales.

On a side note, we don’t really make much here! We would like to appeal to the public and ask them to continue supporting the project by buying passes so that we can keep on doing what we do.